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Pengumuman Gate. io Lending & Single-Asset Vault Learn-A-Thon #2: Learn and Collect Cards to Claim $10!
Gate. io Lending & Single-Asset Vault Learn-A-Thon #2: Learn and Collect Cards to Claim $10!
2022-02-14 08:14:06 UTC 82423 Baca
The first phase of Gate.io Liquidity Mining Knowledge Card Collection #1 activity came to an end last week. We are excited about the enthusiasm and support of all those who participated. To extend our gratitude and encourage their passion for the campaign, we will rebrand and launch the second phase of the card collection activity this week.

Collect all the knowledge cards of Gate.io's Learn-a-thon #2 to claim a $10 prize; join the campaign to learn about the crypto space and earn more income!

Step 1: Collect Cards
Activity period: February 14th - February 18th (Lasts 5 Days)
Activity rules: During the first step, Gate.io will release different Lending & Single-Asset Vault knowledge cards in the Lending & Single-Asset Vault related announcements and Gate.io LM N Lending & Single-Asset Vault Telegram Group every day. Please stay tuned and then proceed to find the seven hidden knowledge cards in the activity.

Example 1: Check the Lending & Single-Asset Vault related announcements to find and save the knowledge cards. Please refer to the following picture:

Example 2: Check the messages in the Gate.io LM N Lending & Single-Asset Vault Telegram Group to find and save the knowledge cards. Please refer to the following picture:

Step 2: Upload Cards
Activity Period: February 19th - February 21st (Lats 3 Days)
Activity rules: Gate.io will release the card collections upload links on February 19th. Please find the link and upload the seven cards you have collected. Users who have collected and uploaded all the right cards will be rewarded with $10 in tokens. Please refer to the following picture:

*Note: The cards can be uploaded in any order, however, users who upload the same knowledge card repeatedly will fail to get the reward.

Important Notes:
1. The background system will strictly review every card uploaded. Users who fail to upload all the right cards cannot get a reward.
2. Only one entry per person will be permitted (KYC must be completed). The Sub-Accounts and Master Account will be treated as the same account in the activity.
3. To preserve the interests of all participants and maintain fairness, we strictly prohibit cheating in the activity. Cheating will result in disqualification.
4. A reward of $10 will be released in tokens to the winners’ accounts within 14 working days after the activity ends, which can be viewed at “My Finance” - “Billings”.
Gate.io reserves the right to the final interpretation of the Activity.
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