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Pengumuman Gate.io iOS APP V3.2.3 beta version Release: Updates to the Quantification and Liquidity Mining Features
Gate.io iOS APP V3.2.3 beta version Release: Updates to the Quantification and Liquidity Mining Features
2022-01-18 01:49:10 UTC 45591 Baca
To provide users with a better experience, Gate.io has released the iOS V3.2.3 beta version. The new version has upgraded the Quantification and the Liquidity Mining functions. It has also improved the Push service and the list of the Spot Market. Gate.io will continue to provide users with professional trading services.

Download the latest Gate.io iOS APP here: https://www.gate.io/mobileapp

Guide to Download Gate.io iOS APP: https://www.gate.io/help/guide/17284

APP Updates:
Ⅰ. Quantification
1. Supports DOUBLEMA-RSI spot service.
2. Supports DOUBLEMA spot service.
3. Supports MACD-RSI spot service.
4. Supports MACD spot service.
5. Adds an unlimited grid strategy.
6. Adds a smart rebalance strategy.
7. My Strategy supports “copy” and “suspend” functions.
8. The spot CTA strategy supports the “transfer” function.

Ⅱ. Liquidity mining
1. Supports single-currency addition function.
2. Supports single-currency redemption function.

Ⅲ. Others
1. Upgrades Push Service
2. Optimizes the spot market list.
3. Updates the default node.
4. Fix some bugs.

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Gate.io Team
January 17
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