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Pengumuman Gate.io MAT、EQX、TXT、SCLP、IDEA and SWASH Trade Competition Reward Distributed Announcement
Gate.io MAT、EQX、TXT、SCLP、IDEA and SWASH Trade Competition Reward Distributed Announcement
2021-11-29 10:05:51 UTC 31468 Baca
Gate.io MAT、EQX、TXT、SCLP、IDEA and SWASH Trade Competition has come to a successful end! According to the criteria of this activity, we have issued rewards to users who met the conditions. Users can enter "Account Management—My Funds—Billing'' to check the reward distribution.

For details and rules of the activity, please visit

[Gate.io My Master War (MAT) Trading Competition & $20,000 Unmissable Rewards]

[Gate.io EQIFi (EQX) Trading Competition & $25,500 Unmissable Rewards]

[Gate.io Taxa Token (TXT) Trading Competition & $25,000 Unmissable Rewards]

[Gate.io Scallop (SCLP) Launch, Deposit &Trade SCLP to Win a Share of $50,000 Mega Reward]

[Gate.io Ideaology (IDEA) Trading Competition & $10,000 Unmissable Rewards]

[Gate.io Swash (SWASH) Launch, Deposit &Trade SWASH to Win a Share of $39,000 Mega Reward]

Gate.io reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity. If you have any questions, please contact us through live chat.

Gate.io | Your Gateway to the Blockchain Universe

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Gate.io Team
November 29
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