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Pengumuman Gate.io Completed FAST Token Swap and Open New FAST Markets
Gate.io Completed FAST Token Swap and Open New FAST Markets
2021-11-23 02:37:47 UTC 40670 Baca
According to the Fastswap team, FAST should be swapped from ERC20 tokens to BSC tokens at the ratio of 1:125. Gate.io has completed the token swap on Gate.io for users.

Swap Ratio: 1:125
BSC Fast token contract:

We will commence the new FAST token trading at 08:00 AM UTC on 23 Nov . The new FAST token will use the ticker $FAST. The old FAST tokens deposited after the swap will be credited as FAST_OLD, withdraw-able to your personal wallet only, you can swap them yourself.

Important Notice: After this token swap, the value of the new FAST token would be 1/125 that of the old FAST token, without considering other factors that might impact the price. Please pay close attention to the price when you place orders.

Deposit FAST at:https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/FAST
Trade FAST at

Learn more:
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