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Pengumuman Gate.io Blog: [Hot Spots]The Evolution of Web 3.0: Towards Data Freedom
Gate.io Blog: [Hot Spots]The Evolution of Web 3.0: Towards Data Freedom
2021-09-07 09:00:22 UTC 32818 Baca
[Abstract] Web 3.0 is largely built for decentralized data networks. It’s human-centric, focusing more on bringing us a fairer internet by enabling the individual to be a sovereign. In addition, it is dedicated to eliminating barriers between data, so that users can take control of their own digital identity, digital assets and other data. In this way, users can decide their own destiny in the virtual world. The growth of Web 3.0 can be essentially attributed to the development of public chain infrastructure such as Polkadot, distributed storage projects like Filecoin and application layer projects such as BAT.....

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[Hot Spots]The Evolution of Web 3.0: Towards Data Freedom

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September 7, 2021

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