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Pengumuman Chinese Valentine's Day: Express Your Love Through Gate.io’s Posts And Win the GT and USDTest
Chinese Valentine's Day: Express Your Love Through Gate.io’s Posts And Win the GT and USDTest
2021-08-13 06:20:38 UTC 106847 Baca
Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! In order to celebrate the festival, we will launch the "Chinese Valentine's Day, Express Your Love Through Gate.io’s Posts
" activity. Anyone who posts may be rewarded. So come Post and potentially win the giveaway!

Activity Duration:
August 13, 06:00 UTC, 2021---August 16, 06:00 UTC, 2021 (3 days in total)

During the event, send your "love" on Posts with the topic #Chinese Valentine's Day#. After the event, the users who rank in the top 50 of the VIP Likes cumulative total score can win 1000 USDTest from Gate.io.

Lucky Prize:Gate.io will randomly select one of the users who post with topics to airdrop 10GT.

Steps:Find the "Posts" section of the News → add a "topic" → input content → send

1. The object that you express your love is not specified. So, the content must not contain undesirable content such as inducing likes, swiping, slander and insult, plagiarism, advertisements, pornography (Erotic pictures), violence, etc. (This situation will not be included in the selection scope)
2. The number of postings is not limited, and the ranking is based on the cumulative total VIP Likes of individual dynamics posted during the event period.
For example: if User A has posted 6 posts in one day, all the likes of the 6 posts will be accumulated.
3. Please check the Posts entry at the bottom guide map of the announcement.

Scoring Rules:
The popularity of dynamic VIP likes is determined by the VIP level of the liker. Specifically: VIP0 = 0.1 points, VIP1 is 1 point, VIP2 is 2 points, and so on. (Users can increase transaction volume and GT holdings to upgrade VIP level.)

For example: Michael posted 2 posts during the event, and the 2 posts received a total of 3 likes, from a VIP0 user, a VIP5 user, and a VIP10 user. Therefore,Michael's VIP likes score during the event is: 0.1+5+10=15.1 points.

1. During the activity, if you post in the Posts, it will be deemed as participating in the event.
2. Winners’ Posts daily VIP like points must accumulate at least 10 points.
3. VIP Likes Scores and rankings are subject to the data of the Gate.io background .
4. The event is limited to users with valid real-name authentication to participate. A real-name user can only use one account to participate, and the sub-account is not used as an independent account to participate in activities.
5. If multiple posts with highly similar content are selected, only the first post posted will be rewarded.
6. The internal personnel of the Gate.io platform do not participate in the uation of activities.
7. The rewards will be issued to the wallet account within 14 working days after the event ends, and can be viewed in "Wallet-Billing Details".

*USDTEST instructions for use:
The annualized rate of Gate.io Hodl & Earn USDTEST financial management projects is 5%. USDTEST is valid 7 days after receiving it, and the USDT income part can be withdrawn or sold after expiration.
After receiving the USDTEST, the winners need to click the link:USDTTest POS and Earn USDT - Exclusive for New Users (Long-Term). No lock-up, only registration is required, and interest is paid every 7 days.

Entry to posts:
Web/ Client: Log in to the web page - Click "News" and Choose “Posts”.

Mobile APP: Log in to the latest version of Gate.io APP, and select the "News" to enter the “Posts".

Gate.io has reserved the final rights to interpret this event.

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Gate.io Team

August 13, 2021

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