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Pengumuman Gate.io Will Initially List DinoX (DNXC)
Gate.io Will Initially List DinoX (DNXC)
2021-07-28 11:38:53 UTC 116034 Baca

Gate.io is going to commence DinoX (DNXC) trading on July 29th, 2021 10:30 AM UTC. DNXC deposits are open now. DNXC withdrawal will be available shortly after listing time.

Token symbol: DNXC
Token Contract Address: 0x20a8cec5fffea65be7122bcab2ffe32ed4ebf03a
Trading start: July 29th, 2021 10:30 AM UTC

Deposit DNXC via:https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/DNXC
Trade DNXC via:https://www.gate.io/trade/DNXC_USDT

Project Introduction
DinoX is a unique blend of collectible, tradeable and interactable NFT dinosaurs living within a digital world built on the Ethereum and Polygon Networks.
DinoX is formed by a group of tech-savvy individuals with a major interest in blockchain technology, gaming, crypto, and at the same time with a major passion for dinosaurs. The team seeks to build a complex NFT gaming experience for collectors and players.
They're creating a game that is a mix of popular genres for both desktop and handheld devices. Set on the Islands of DINOX World, you will find yourself surrounded by various packs of living dinosaurs. The catch and core idea is that they live on the blockchain and you can digitally own them, take care of them, breed them, train them, and fight different creatures occupying the islands. Easy to learn how to play, but with a more complex game design to satisfy different player skill levels.
Eight thousand Dino eggs will be available to be farmed via the staking features when the MVP is released in the coming weeks.
Website: https://dinox.io

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Gate.io Team

July28, 2021

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