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Pengumuman Gate.io Has Added Filecoin FIL Leveraged ETF
Gate.io Has Added Filecoin FIL Leveraged ETF
2020-10-16 05:20:26 UTC 63742 Baca
Gate.io has added the following Filecoin (FIL) ETFs, FIL3L and FIL3S. FIL3L is a long position while FIL3S is a short position, which tracks the price change range of FIL and changes about 3 times that of FIL spot market.

Trade FIL3L at https://www.gate.io/trade/FIL3L_USDT

Trade FIL3S at https://www.gate.io/trade/FIL3S_USDT

Risk Warning:
The FIL mainnet tokens entering circulation are mainly from unlocked tokens allocated to the FIL team and early investors, as well as miners’ rewards. According to the current release schedule, 50 million FIL will be released over the course of 3 months, and over 0.1 billion to be released over 6 months (the numbers stated are based on our estimations, which may vary from the actual release). At its early stage, FIL circulating supply will be limited but will quickly increase. The limited supply and high demand may drive the price too high and the increasing supply later may pose increasing pressure on the market price.

Digital currency prices are susceptible to high volatility, which is even more tangible for 3X leveraged ETF products. Therefore there is a risk to suffer amplified loss. Please fully understand the product and risks involved before trading. Furthermore, the change of an ETF product is not always about 3 times the change of the underlying asset over a certain time span as the result of scheduled or irregular re-balancing. An ETF product is hedged in a perpetual contract market, the profit will expand the position and the loss will decrease the position. The product rebalances every day to back to 3 times leverage, which will incur greater friction at a swinging market. Due to the rebalancing mechanism and the holding cost, the ETF is not suitable for long term holding. It has greater fluctuation and higher risk. Please be cautious. For more details, please read instructions about Leveraged ETFs at our Help Center.

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Gate.io Team

October 16th, 2020

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