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Pengumuman Gate.io HODL & Earn: Hold SERO To Earn an APR of 13%
Gate.io HODL & Earn: Hold SERO To Earn an APR of 13%
2020-10-04 09:48:10 UTC 39880 Baca
The SERO PoS Mining #5 has launched at Gate.io HODL& Earn section, estimated annualized yield of 13%. The earning is subject to change, according to the SERO network rewards.
To participate,
Go to webpage https://www.gate.io/hodl/183
Or tap HODL&Earn icon on the Markets screen at our App.

1. No lockup is required. Subscribe to it to participate in.
2. Zero handle fee
3. Estimated annualized yield is 13%, which is subject to change based on SERO network rewards
4. Interest is calculated based on the average holding (excluding borrowed portion) of past 14 days.
5. Interest is released every 14 days. If there are less than 14 days left since the last release date, no interest will be released. You can participate in the next period instead.
6. To continue to participate in the next period, subscribe to actively when the next period begins.

About SERO:
SERO is the new generation of privacy blockchain that supports smart contract and enables issuance of privacy coins and anonymous assets. Known as the private version of the Ethereum, SERO uses zero knowledge proof, which is an encryption method that outperforms the one used by ZCash. With the default anonymous trading, SERO is the world's first truly Privacy Protection platform for Decentralized Applications. SERO also adopts the most advanced POW + POS consensus, whose network security and performance are much better than POW consensus based blockchain. The project was invested by former IDG co-founder Mr. Suyang Zhang, LD Capital and Quantum Investment Fund. It is now collaborating with major mining pool such as F2Pool.

About HODL& Earn
It is a blockchain assets earning platform which facilitates stable earnings for your cryptocurrency investment, offering various financial products, including term (lockup) and non-term earning products among others. It is the best investing venue for users who prefer lower risk. We have launched many “Earn” products with high APR for popular coins such as BTC, USDT and ETH, and we are going to launch many more products to facilitate chances of earning.

About Gate.io
Gate.io is an established exchange that holds integrity, transparency, and fairness to a very high standard. We charge zero listing fees and only choose quality and promising projects. Our exchange consists only of 100% real trading volume. Thanks to everyone who has joined us in our journey. We always intend to improve and innovate to reward our users for their continuous support.

Gate.io Team
October 4th, 2020

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