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Pengumuman Pledging To Get USDG (Gate USDT) Provided At Gate.io & USDG To Provide Liquidity At S. Finance For Liquidity Mining
Pledging To Get USDG (Gate USDT) Provided At Gate.io & USDG To Provide Liquidity At S. Finance For Liquidity Mining
2020-09-27 12:22:38 UTC 43681 Baca
We are pleased to announce that we are going to list a stablecoin, USDG(Gate USD) at Gate.io. USDG is a crypto-collateralized stable coin aiming to stabilize its value relative to USD. Now you can get USDG by pledging GT at Gate.io. In the future, you will be able to pledge more assets to get USDG using smart contracts.

USDG can be used in asset trading, stablecoin liquidity mining, providing liquidity pool in DeFi swap, and more.

Now Gate.io is providing the function to pledge GT to get USDG. You can pledge or redeem at our website or app any time you want. At this moment, we charge no interest for USDG generated by pledging.

Go to the website at :https://www.gate.io/cryptoloan/USDG
On our App, tap the “Crypto loan” icon on the Markets screen and then choose USDG.

Gate.io and S.Finance community have reached a partnership intention agreement to list USDG at S. Finance for stablecoin swap and liquidity yield farming. S.Finance is a DeFi project that uses a StableSwap market maker algorithm to prove a stable swap service. It can provide a more stable price and lower service fee as a swap service.

Gate.io will also provide USDG earn products with a high annualized yield at its HODL& Earn section. Gate.io uses its expertise as an established exchange to provide users with easy access to DeFi yield farming. For safety consideration, we only put assets in broadly certified and audited DeFi mining projects. Gate.io will distribute the entire earnings to our users and charge no extra fees.

More investment products with stable earnings are coming soon. Please follow us and stay tuned.
Visit more at:https://www.gate.io/hodl

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Gate.io Team
September 27th, 2020

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