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Pengumuman Gate.io To Reopen YAMV2 Trading Sep 20th
Gate.io To Reopen YAMV2 Trading Sep 20th
2020-09-19 11:03:45 UTC 57326 Baca
Gate.io has finished migrating YAMV2 to YAMV3 for users on September 19th. 2020. We have launched YAMV3 deposit,withdrawal and trading services. We are going to continue to provide deposit, withdrawal and trading service for YAMV2. From this time onward, YAMV2 deposited by users will not be swapped for YAMV3 automatically. YAMV2 will remain at Gate.io for a long period of time. If you don’t want to hold YAMV2, you can exchange it or go to a decentralized platform to swap it for YAMV3.

Gate.io will reopen trading for YAMV2 on September 20th, 4:00 AM UTC,

Please note, unlike YAMV3, YAMV2 does not rebase, and does not have governance power. You can migrate from YAMV2 to YAM(V3) in a one-way only migration. But 50% of the migrated YAM tokens are subject to a 30-day vesting.

Deposit YAMv2 at: https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/YAMV2
Trade YAM v2 at:https://www.gate.io/trade/YAMV2_USDT

Risk Warning:
Risk warning: Cryptocurrencies are high-risk, speculative investments, susceptible to impact from market, policy and other factors. Please be aware of the risks involved and make investment decision with caution.

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Gate.io Team
September 19, 2020

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