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Pengumuman GT Listing at Soda DeFi Platform and Deposit GT to Earn SODA
GT Listing at Soda DeFi Platform and Deposit GT to Earn SODA
2020-09-15 06:59:48 UTC 73579 Baca
Soda.finance, a DeFi platform (website https://soda.finance/) is going to add GT to two pools, one is GT single coin staking and mining pool and the other GT/ETH pair liquidity pool. Depositing GT to earn SODA is going to start 17 hours later (at September 16 0:00 AM UTC) . View announcement at:

When Soda.finance launches the DeFi liquidity mining service, the decentralized platform users can get high return by staking GT. At the same time, Gate.io will open lockup GT and earn SODA products to allow Gate.io users to earn passive income. Please follow us and stay turned.

Gate.io will start SODA trading when market is more stable. At its early stage, SODA is traded at a third party exchange.
Important: SODA is produced by staking mining, which is of high inflation rate thus imposing high pressure to market in a short term. The price is likely to fall drastically in the future. It is not recommended to nonprofessional traders. Further more, decentralized projects have possibility of code vulnerabilities and project quick failure among other high risks. Please fully understand the project and risks involved.

More investment products with stable earnings are coming soon. We have listed several DeFi liquidity mining related products, among which BTC flexible investment is gaining a APR over 20% and ETH investment product gaining APR over 40%. Please follow us and view more at :https://www.gate.io/hodl
or tab HODL&Earn at Market screen on our APP.

DeFi liquidity mining has been gaining steam recently and the annualized return is quite high. But for average user, the threshold of participating remains high, which does not only demand professional skills in wallet and private key safekeeping, but also demand an eagle eye to identify problematic projects. Risks of team exit, vulnerabilities in smart contract, and more may cause loss of assets.

For safety consideration, Gate.io only put asset in broadly proven and audited DeFi mining projects.
The earning currencies, such as CRV,YAM,SUSHI,and FARM, will be distributed to GT holders who lockup GT at Gate.io to further incentivize the Gate/GateChain DeFi eco.

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Gate.io Team
September 15, 2020
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