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Pengumuman Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lockup GT to Earn ULU Reward From Liquidity Mining
Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lockup GT to Earn ULU Reward From Liquidity Mining
2020-09-13 13:28:29 UTC 83258 Baca
GT is going to add more DeFi liquidity mining products in the near future. AT September 14th, 4:AM UTC, Gate.io is going to start GT Lockup& Earn #6, where participants can lockup GT to get ULU reward from liquidity mining.

To participate, visit: https://www.gate.io/hodl/136
or tap HODL&Earn at Market screens on our APP.

1. Lockup currency: GT
2. Lockup Cap: 5-10 million GT (subject to change)
3.Floating interest rate, subject to change
4. Earning distribution: airdrop ULU earnings on a daily basis
5.CT locked up for DeFi liquidity mining investment products do not have any impact on the holder’s average GT holding statistics, nor does it affect the holder’s eligibility of enjoying other benefits at Gate.io
6. DeFi as a whole has been hyped. The annualized return rate of liquidity mining is quite high at the moment as a result of high token market value, which is likely to decrease as the market changes to a more rational market. Please note, we will distribute the mining reward based on the actual reward received. The reward is subject to change.

DeFi liquidity mining has been gaining attention recently and the annualized return is quite high. But for average user, the threshold of participating remains high, which does not only demand professional skills in wallet and private key safekeeping, but also demand an distinct sense of judgement to identify questionable projects. Risks of team exit, vulnerabilities in smart contract, and more may cause a loss of assets.

For safety consideration, Gate.io only put asset of broadly certified and audited DeFi mining projects. The earning currencies, such as CRV,YAM,SUSHI,and FARM, will be distributed to GT holders who lockup GT at Gate.io to further incentivize the Gate/GateChain DeFi eco-. Gate.io will distribute the entire earnings to our users and charge no extra fee.

More investment products with stable earnings are coming soon. Please follow us and stay tuned.
Visit more at:https://www.gate.io/hodl

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Gate.io Team
September 13, 2020

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