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Pengumuman Gate.io is to List SUN on Sep11
Gate.io is to List SUN on Sep11
2020-09-10 10:33:06 UTC 59308 Baca

Gate.io is going to list SUN at 6:00 am UTC, Sep 11, 2020.

SUN is a social experiment, a crucial component of the TRON DeFi. It is generated by staking and locking up TRX . The circulation supply will grow gradually and it runs depending on community and open source smart contract.

For more details, please visit its website https://sun.io/#/home

Total Supply:19900730 tokens. 930301 tokens will be generated in the first two weeks, accounting for 9.34% of its total supply. (Important: beware of the long-term inflation pressure)

white paper: https://sun.io/docs/sun_whitepaper_en.pdf

Audit report: https://sun.io/docs/audit-report-sun_en.pdf

SUN Listing Schedule

SUN Trade opens at:September 11, 6:00 am UTC (if there is inadequate deposit due to limited time of transfer , the trading opening time will be postponed. )
Deposit SUN at:https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/SUN
Trade SUN at:https://www.gate.io/trade/SUN_USDT

Please note, the DeFi projects have been greatly hyped. The price at early stage is very high and there is much pressure to get back to rational point later. DeFi projects carry great risk . Please beware of the high risks involved and do not chasing high price as you enter market.

Risk Warning: New token is minted by liquidity mining, which produces a huge amount of new tokens and thus introducing high inflation rate. The price has been already hyped and is at a high level now, which has a bubble and is likely to decrease or express drastic volatility later. Decentralized project may have vulnerabilities in its code, and have probability of funds being hacked, or team exit, among other risks. Please make sure you have fully understood it before participation. The DeFi project is not recommended to nonprofessional users.

Please only participate after you fully understand the project and risks involved. You are solely responsible for your own investment decision and Gate.io is not responsible for your loss.

Gate.io Team
Sep 11, 2020

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