Crypto Knowledge 10 Articles
NFT Terms That You Need To Know Researcher:Ashley H.
22 April 10:43
It can be said that NFT is another popular topic following DeFi in the cryptocurrency field. If you want to be an NFT expert, what are the terms that you must know?
Importance Of On-chain Governance In Crypto Management Researcher:Valentine A.
21 April 17:58
Blockchain governance is a structure or protocol that deploys mechanisms to make decisions on project direction, monitor ongoing updates, and ensure that all blockchain transactions are going smoothly.
How to Identify Suspicious Crypto Projects? Researcher:Victor Bastos
20 April 17:58
A brief guide on staying safe and putting your investments into legitimate projects looking to make an actual impact in the crypto market.
What are INOs, IC0s, IE0s and IDO Researcher:Valentine A.
20 April 16:16
Start-ups developing Blockchain solutions typically use these methods to raise funding to support the project without having to give up a portion of their ownership to investors or the general public.
Trading Strategies on Leveraged Tokens
20 April 15:09
In this article, we will share the methods while investing leveraged tokens, in the hope that you will be able to understand better how they function both from a technical perspective, and as a potential addition to your portfolio.
The Different Types of Blockchain Structures Researcher: Valentine A.
19 April 19:32
A Blockchain is a digital, decentralized, and distributed ledger that stores information open, accessible, and secure.
It stores information in blocks, adding new ones to existing chains.
Blockchain is the platform on which new-gen digital applications such as crypto, NFTs, DAOs, smart contrac...
What is blockchain consensus mechanism? Researcher: M. Olatunji
19 April 19:20
The consensus mechanism refers to various approaches used to achieve agreement, security, and trust in decentralized networks.
The most prevalent consensus mechanisms for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS)....
SATOSHI ISLAND: A real-world Crypto Heaven Researcher M. Olatunji
19 April 18:24
Satoshi Island Is A Southern Pacific Crypto Paradise, A Future Home For Crypto Enthusiasts And Professionals.
What is Fantom(FTM)? The Third Largest DeFi Blockchain Researcher:Victor Bastos
19 April 12:04
A brief dive into one of the most ambitious crypto projects.
How to Invest In the metaverse: Crypto, Stocks, Land, and NFTs Researcher:M. Olatunji
18 April 17:45
Investing in the metaverse is an interesting experience, and it comes with low risk as long as the right steps are followed.