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Pengumuman Gate.io Blog: How Painful is the Maximum Pain? Important Things Before the Options Settlement Date
Gate.io Blog: How Painful is the Maximum Pain? Important Things Before the Options Settlement Date
2021-05-28 11:02:58 UTC 70693 Baca
According to publicly available data from Skew Analytics, May 28th is the expiration date for cryptocurrency options. At that time, more than 55,000 bitcoin options with a total value of $2.2 billion will expire. The max pain for this expiration of bitcoin options is $50,000, which is 25% higher than the price of today according to calculations by related agencies.

Understand the Maximum Pain, You Must First Understand Options

What is Understand Options ? How Painful is the Maximum Pain? Reference Significance of the Maximum Pain? Click to read more

Gate.io Cryptopedia for Reference:
Introduction to Short-Term Options

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May 28, 2021

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