• اللغة وتبديل سعر الصرف
  • إعدادات التفضيلات
    لون الارتفاع / الهبوط
    وقت بداية ونهاية التغيير٪
Web3 تبادل

Carnival 3: Trade SHIB to share $12,400 in Rewards

During the period, top 800 users based on trade volume will share $12,400.

First place: 380,000,000 SHIB (equivalent to $800)
Second place: 280,000,000 SHIB (equivalent to $600)
Third place: 190,000,000 SHIB (equivalent to $400)
The 4th-200th place: will share the remaining 2,380,000,000 SHIB(about $5000) based on trading volume.
The remaining 600 participants: evenly split the $5,600 Points.

*SFIL trading volume must be no less than 380,000,000 SHIB ($800 USD).
اللغة والمنطقة
سعر الصرف

اختر اللغة والمنطقة

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