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Duyurular Gate.io Blog:Crypto Coven —— Women’s Potential in NFT Market Remains to be Untapped
Gate.io Blog:Crypto Coven —— Women’s Potential in NFT Market Remains to be Untapped
2022-03-08 16:58:20 UTC 25024 Okundu

【TL; DR】

1. On January 20, Kat Dennings, the star of "Bankrupt Sisters", replaced her twitter avatar with crypto coven series NFT.

2. Crypto coven is an emerging NFT avatar project, which contains 9906 witch avatars cast into NFT.

3. Coven can not stand out without the rise of feminism this year.

4. Coven can be said to be a real product designed for women, filling the gap in the female NFT avatar market.

5. The female NFT market is huge. If we can accurately pinpoint and solve its pain and blind spots, the potential of the female NFT market will be greatly released.

On January 20, 2022, Kat Dennings, the star of "Bankrupt Sisters", replaced her twitter avatar with crypto coven series NFT. On January 25, the founders of Uniswap, Aave, Synthetix, Compound and other DeFi projects also took crypto coven series NFT as twitter avatars. As a rising star of the NFT avatar project, crypto coven has soared all the way in the past month. What's special about it?

For more information on the specific analysis process, please read this blog:Crypto Coven —— Women’s Potential in NFT Market Remains to be Untapped

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