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Duyurular Gate.io Has Added WAX(WAXP) Margin Trading&Lending
Gate.io Has Added WAX(WAXP) Margin Trading&Lending
2021-08-28 01:19:26 UTC 60129 Okundu
Gate.io has added WAX(WAXP) margin trading (WAXP/USDT), allowing up to 3X leverage.
At the same time, margin lendin g and borrowing of the coin are available. You can lend your WAXP to earn passive income (3.65%-365% APR).
Margin trading allow long and short positions and can facilitate price discovery as well as forming a more stable market. As a trader, you can borrow WAXP to short it or borrow USDT to long it. For holders, you can lend your WAXP to margin traders to earn interest on your holdings.
The Gate.io lending market is a peer to peer market where all the loans and borrowings are made between users. Gate.io does not participate in lending or borrowing.

Trade WAXP at https://www.gate.io/margin_trade/WAXP_USDT
Borrow WAXP at https://www.gate.io/margin/borrow/WAXP_USDT
Lend WAXP at https://www.gate.io/margin/lend/WAXP
Deposit WAXP at https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/WAXP

About WAXP
The Worldwide Asset eXchange™ (WAX) is a proven and eco-friendly blockchain for NFTs, video games and collectibles.

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Aug 28, 2021

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