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Анонсы Gate.io ETF Mini Tasks Round 2 Win from a Prize Pool Worth $10,000 Reward Distributed Announcement

Gate.io ETF Mini Tasks Round 2 Win from a Prize Pool Worth $10,000 Reward Distributed Announcement

2021-11-22 03:38:34 UTC 19230 Прочли

‘Gate.io ETF Mini Tasks Round 2 - Win from a Prize Pool Worth $10,000’ campaign was a huge success, thank you all for participating! Rewards have been distributed to all eligible users. View the reward you received at “My Wallets”–“ My Billing Details” .

For details and rules of the activity, please visit [Gate.io ETF Mini Tasks Round 2 - Win from a Prize Pool Worth $10,000]

We will continue to provide you with the very best activities, so please stay tuned!

Gate.io reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity. If you have any questions, please contact us through live chat.

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Nov 22nd, 2021
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