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Web3 Exchange


A whopping 30,000 USDT prize pool is up for grabs! If you are familiar with the P2P platforms or have traded frequently both now and in the past, it’s time to win some USDT! Will you be one of the winners who share the prize pool ? Check it out!

Activity : Post a trading ad on P2P

How to qualify:
1. Make a buy or sell post on Gate.io P2P platform
2. The ad should include fiat currencies like USD, INR, TRY, BRL, EUR, NGN, UAH, RUB, VND, JPY, PKR, BDT, PHP, GBP, CAD, IDR, ZAR, PLN, SAR, ARS, AED, MYR or THB for this campaign.
3. Your reward will be greater if at least one trade is successful.
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