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Anúncios Gate.io Announcement on Influencer Interview to “Get the Code of Wealth”
Gate.io Announcement on Influencer Interview to “Get the Code of Wealth”
2022-06-22 05:26:45 UTC 16824 Lido
With lots of love and support from our users, Gate.io held the first Influencer Interview in the English Chatroom recently. To enable more users to participate, the Influencer Interview will be held every Monday and Thursday. This time Gate.io will invite the popular influencer from the Influencers Recruitment Project to discuss the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world with you. Gain knowledge and take a chance to get token rewards at the same time.

Event Start time:
Every Monday, 9:00 UTC

How to Participate:
Enter the Gate.io Chat Room to join the interview event during the time period. You will have an opportunity to win red packets! For new users, please first sign up and then join the event.

Question Collection: Share your question to find the answer together with the influencer

The question collection starts now. We will collect and select the five most requested questions to share in the interview and find answers together with the influencer. All of the answered questions will be recorded to form a Q&A collection for users’ future reference.
Five users whose questions have been adopted to share in the interview will receive $10 Points as a thank-you reward.
*Points are valid for 14 days

Participation link: http://www.gate.io/questionnaire/1863?ch=ques1

Users must note that after logging in, gaining access to Gate.io, and then publishing content, it will be interpreted that all users have read and agreed with the rules, regulations, and disclaimers provided by Gate.io.
1. The objective of information being released by users of the Gate.io exchange is to create awareness. The content itself does not necessarily reflect the views of Gate.io. Gate.io only supports the release of the author's original articles, and the publisher is responsible for the legal liability of intellectual property infringement that may be caused by copyright infringement.
2. The content released by influencers does not constitute trading advice. There are risks with investing, so it is necessary to be cautious when entering the crypto market. Gate.io provides this platform for authors to express their views, which does not constitute agreement with the author's observations.
3. Some published content on Gate.io may have external links due to the author's references and recommendations. Gate.io is not responsible for the reliability of these websites or resource links and does not guarantee the authenticity and legitimacy of any content, products, services, or other materials obtained from these website links. Gate.io shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss (or alleged loss) caused by the use or trust of the content, products, services, or other materials obtained from such website or resource links.

How to enter the Chat Room:
Web version:
Enter the Gate.io website, click fiat trading/margin trading/perpetual trading to enter any page of them--click "Chat Room" in the lower-left corner to enter the Chat Room.
App: Click “News” in the lower right corner and click "Chatroom" to enter the Chat Room.

Gate.io reserves the right to the final interpretation of this event.

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Gate.io Team
June 22
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