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Gate.io Top Trader Plan Phase IV: Trade DOGE&AVAX and Win $50K Bonus

DOGE/USDT & AVAX/USDT Trading Competition
During the event, users who participate in trading perpetual contract transactions pair DOGE/USDT and AVAX/USDT (buy+sell) with cumulative transaction volume _5,000USDT will be eligible for the ranking.

This trading competition is divided into the DOGE/USDT team and the AVAX/USDT team. Users can freely choose the team they want to support and trade to contribute cumulative trading volume. The team with the more cumulative trading volume will win, and the users who contributed their trading volume will share $40,000 perpetual contract bonus by portion_ the other team will share the $10,000 perpetual contract bonus.

Time:10:00 on September 2nd, 2021-10:00 on September 9th, 2021 (UTC)
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