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Win Token Rewards by Ranking in the Top 70 during in our Referral Competition.

The top 70 referrers, based on amount of referrals will win the following token rewards:

1st Place:350 AVA +/- $300
2nd Place:225 AVA +/- $160
3rd Place:125 AVA +/-$100
4th Place:100 AVA +/- $80
5th Place:75 AVA +/- $60
6th-10th Place: 63 AVA +/- $50
11th-40th Places:50 AVA +/- $40
41th-70th Places:35 AVA +/- $28

* To be considered a valid referral, the referee must complete account verification, make a valid deposit and a complete a trade _buy or sell_. Gate.io will conduct a thorough investigation to rule out any ineligible participants.
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