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Anúncios Gate.io Copy Trading: Announcement On Rising Star Traders of This Issue!
Gate.io Copy Trading: Announcement On Rising Star Traders of This Issue!
2022-10-07 06:17:18 UTC 27650 Lido
The last copy trading event "Gate.io Copy Trading: Rising Star Traders' Exposure Competition!" was over! We have received a lot of registrations from excellent traders. We have made a careful selection and hereby announce the rising star traders between Sep.29th, to Oct.5th, 2022:June521經典1978.

Gate.io copy trading is a trading aid that allows copiers to synchronously copy the lead trader's operation behavior on contracts. With a higher degree of freedom to operate, the trader can attract more users to copy him in trading, creating a larger space for dividends.

Click to enter: Follow the best traders to trade

Gate.io Copy Trading-Traders Guide:https://www.gate.io/help/quants/copy-trading/26923/gate.io-copy-trading-traders-guide

More instructions on copy trading: https://www.gate.io/help/quants/copy-trading

Rising Star Traders

Trader: June521 (Win rate: 100%; Max drawdown: 16.19%;ROI: 47.08%)

Click to copy: https://www.gate.io/copytrading/traderDetail?leader_id=394

Trading big time:
As a rising star, he has gained high yields with high winning rates when returns and risks coexist.
Details of leading:

Trader: 經典1978(Win rate: 92.30%; Max drawdown: 1.94%;ROI: 22.58%)

Click to copy: https://www.gate.io/copytrading/traderDetail?leader_id=645

Trading big time: As a steady trader, he has made stable profits and seek the maximum profit space in low risks

Details of leading:

Where will the rising star traders be shown?

<1>Banner spot of Gate.io copy trading

<2> Copy trading recommendation list

<3> Gate.io Posts

<4> Gate.io Quant official twitter

If you have any questions about this activity or copy trading products, please feel free to contact us through Telegram or customer service:
Copy Trading Telegram Group: https://t.me/Gateio_Copy_Trading
Copy Trading Customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601
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