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Anúncios Announcement Of The Results Of Upgrade Competition #3
Announcement Of The Results Of Upgrade Competition #3
2022-09-19 08:19:14 UTC 24690 Lido
Upgrade competition #3 has come to a successful end. We received a lot of applications from excellent traders, and made careful selection. Finally, one trader was selected to receive upgrade benefits.

Gate.io copy trading is a trading aid that allows copiers to synchronously copy the lead trader's operation behavior on contracts. With a higher degree of freedom to operate, the trader can attract more users to copy him in trading, creating a larger space for dividends.

Click to enter: follow the best traders to trade
Gate.io Copy Trading-Traders Guide:https://www.gate.io/help/quants/copy-trading/26923/gate.io-copy-trading-traders-guide

Ranking of the activity indicators in upgrade competition #3

The trader who meets the upgrade requirements of upgrade competition #3
Note: There are threshold requirements for traders' total equity, ROI, win rate, and increase in trading volume during the event, and traders who meet the upgrade requirements must meet the threshold, otherwise the upgrade is invalid.

Trader's ID: 爆负不是梦
Click to copy him: https://www.gate.io/copytrading/traderDetail?leader_id=63
Upgrade benefits in the event: upgrade from primary to intermediateData performance at the end of the event

Thank you very much to every trader who actively participated in this event . For traders who cannot get the upgrade benefits or fail to participate in this event, we will launch the upgrade competition #4 and other activities in the future. Looking forward to your participation!
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