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Token Rename
Anúncios Gate.io Completed RAMP to LEVER Token Migration
Gate.io Completed RAMP to LEVER Token Migration
2022-07-15 16:20:54 UTC 46759 Lido
According to the RAMP team, the RAMP is rebranding to the LeverFi and the RAMP token will be swapped for the LEVER at the ratio of 1RAMP=35 LEVER..Gate.io has now completed token migration for users. Users can now view LeverFi (LEVER) tokens received in their accounts. The LeverFi (LEVER) trading market will be available on July 16, 04:00 AM UTC.
Swap ratio: 1 RAMP=35 LEVER
LEVER token contract address: 0x4B5f49487ea7B3609b1aD05459BE420548789f1f

Deposit LEVER via: https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/LEVER
Trade LEVER via: https://www.gate.io/trade/LEVER_USDT

Important Notice: After this token swap, the value of the new LEVER token would be 1/35 that of the old RAMP, without considering other factors that might impact the price. Please pay close attention to the price when you place orders.
Learn more: https://medium.com/rampdefi/ramp-may-community-update-bd60aa204766

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Gate.io Team
July 15, 2022
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