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Anúncios Gate.io × MoonPay Fiat Gateway - Zero Fee Zone: Buy Crypto With MoonPay Today
Gate.io × MoonPay Fiat Gateway - Zero Fee Zone: Buy Crypto With MoonPay Today
2022-03-23 17:45:58 UTC 419019 Lido
We’re so thrilled to offer you up to 6 months of benefits! From Mar. 23, 2022, 8:30AM until Sept. 23, 2022, 8:30AM GMT+0, you can enjoy 0% card fees when you buy crypto via Moonpay at Gate.io.

Event Period: Mar. 23, 2022, 8:30 AM – Sept. 23, 2022, 8:30 AM (GMT+0)

That’s more savings for both old and new friends in our community. What are you waiting for? Using MoonPay and getting more crypto now!

How to buy crypto via Moonpay:
1. Register for an account on Gate.io (if you are new to Gate.io!)
2. Head on over to our Buy Crypto page and select a cryptocurrency you want.
3. Select MoonPay as your preferred Service Provider
4. Follow simple instructions on MoonPay to complete your purchase

1. During the event period, users will be able to purchase directly with zero card fees on MoonPay purchases. Fees will reflect as a 'Promotional Discount' upon checkout.
2. The zero card fees offer is available in supported regions only. Network fees may still apply.
3. All deposits on the platform will undergo rigorous inspection during the activity period. Any malicious acts conducted during the activity period, including malicious transaction manipulations, illegal bulk registration of accounts, participation through multiple accounts etc. will be dealt with accordingly. The platform will cancel the qualification of the participants.
4. Gate.io has all rights reserved.

Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent

Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals
Download iOS/Android App right now.

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Gate.io Team
March 23rd, 2022
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