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Anúncios Gate.io Announcement on Temporarily Delisting the Financial Projects That Didn’t Win the 4th Round of KSM Slot Auctions
Gate.io Announcement on Temporarily Delisting the Financial Projects That Didn’t Win the 4th Round of KSM Slot Auctions
2022-01-04 10:20:54 UTC 46971 Lido
The last parachain slot event (AUCTIONS #20) of the 4th round of the Kusama network has come to an end. Congratulations to Robonomics for winning this auction! To make user funds more efficient, Gate.io will delist the financial products that have not won the 4th round of KSM slot auctions and will return the locked KSM at the earliest possible time to their original holders. We appreciate your patience with this!

*The following financial projects will be delisted only for a while. Gate.io will constantly keep up with the projects included in auctions and will relist them at the earliest possible time if they are enabled in auctions. Please keep your eye on our announcement.

Financial projects under the KSM slots to be temporarily delisted:
Current round: the 4th round (AUCTIONS #16-20)
Delisted projects: Lock-Up KSM & Earn KSX, Lock-Up KSM & Earn TEER

You can learn about Kusama Parachain Slot Auction details at the official website.

The 5th round of Kusama auctions is expected to start on Jan 9th. A total of 5 auctions will be held. Stay tuned!

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January 4th
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