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Anúncios Gate.io Blog: [Hot Spots]: Will Ethereum Continue to Soar High after the London Upgrade & with its new Burning Mechanism?
Gate.io Blog: [Hot Spots]: Will Ethereum Continue to Soar High after the London Upgrade & with its new Burning Mechanism?
2021-08-19 09:32:31 UTC 40271 Lido
Outline: A major Ethereum network upgrade, which is dubbed the “London hard fork”, went live on 5 August. This upgrade consists of five Ethereum improvement proposals, including the hot proposal EIP-1559 aimed at changing the ETH 1.0 fee market. This upgrade may make it harder for miners to earn money in the short term and Ethereum may be estimated to become deflationary over time, which is conducive to the growth of ETH price......

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[Hot Spots]: Will Ethereum Continue to Soar High after the London Upgrade & with its new Burning Mechanism?

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August 19, 2021

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