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お知らせ Gate.io Daily Shark Fin Hit The Price Range: The Final Annualized Yield is Up To 15.60%

Gate.io Daily Shark Fin Hit The Price Range: The Final Annualized Yield is Up To 15.60%

2022-04-21 03:42:52 UTC 36649 読む
Gate.io launched "Daily Shark Fin_USDT_20220413" and "Daily Shark Fin_BTC_20220413" at 4:00 AM on April 12th UTC on the structured products page. During the observation period, the BTC price always stayed within the per-specified price range [$37,500 - $41,500] and hit the upper limit price. Users who have successfully participated in these two products can get a high annualized income of 15.60% at settlement!

How to calculate the hit-range yield:
Settlement price = $41,375.80 (the opening price of Gate.io BTC/USDT perpetual contract at 4:00 AM on April 20, UTC)
Final annualized yield = 3% + (period-end settlement price - lower price) / (upper price - lower price) * (16% - 3%)
=3%+(41,375.80-37500)/(41500 -37500)*(16%-3%)

*Gate.io Structured Products Observation Mechanism:
It is a mechanism to observe whether the observation prices have knocked out the price range during the specified period or not. However, the mechanism is inapplicable to the price fluctuations during the non-observation period. That' s to say, even if the prices have knocked out the price range during the non-observation period, we regard it as the situation of failing to knock out the price range. The price observation mechanism offers users a greater chance to obtain high returns. The knock-out range means the price goes beyond the upper price or falls below the lower price.

More exciting activities are waiting for you!
1. Join Gate.io HODL & Earn Telegram group
2. Participate in the Gate.io SharkFin Contest via Twitter

Users can go to the Gate.io official website to experience a variety of new high-yield financial products. We will release new arrivals every day.
View more on Structured Financial Products

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