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Pengumuman Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock BATH To Earn 100% APR(Phase 2)

Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock BATH To Earn 100% APR(Phase 2)

2022-01-25 09:44:12 UTC 66420 Baca
The Lock BATH & Earn #2(term 14 days) will launch at 8:00 UTC on Feb 6th at Gate.io 's“HODL& Earn” section, with an estimated reward of 100% P.A.

Gate.io HODL & Earn Telegram group is available now, join us through the link:

Web users can use the link to purchase - https://www.gate.io/hodl/1083 while app users can tap the "HODL & Earn" icon on the Market screen.

Rules of Lock BATH to Earn #2 (Term 14 days)
1、Token: BATH
2、Handling Fee: 0
3、Annual Interest Rate:100%
4、Start Time: 2022-02-06 08:00 UTC
5、The principal and interest will be distributed when the lock-up period ends
6、End Time: 2022-02-20 08:00 UTC

About BATH
Battle Hero is a game which will reward you directly every minute you spend on it, both in fun and economically. Remember that Battle Hero is Free to Play and Play to Earn.Battle Hero's project intention was from the very start to create an NFT game where users could be rewarded when they play it, as more hours are spent playing and enjoying this fun game more coins will be redeemned by them. This game was developed by and for players.

Important notice:
Locking your asset for a certain term is required. Your asset and interest will not be available until the end of the lockup term. If there is any price fluctuation on the market, you are unable to unlock and trade immediately. And the interest received may not be sufficient to cover the loss caused by the price change. Please fully understand the risks.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
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Gate.io Team
January 25
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