• Modificateur du taux de change et de la langue
  • Paramètres de préférence
    Couleur de hausse/de baisse
    Heure de début et de fin de l'évolution

The top 100 users will share 27.75 BAGS_about $8,000_ in terms of trade volume

From the top 100 traders by net buying volume, the users will be awarded the following BAGS rewards:

1)The First Prize: 3.12 BAGS _$900_
2)The Second Prize: 2.70 BAGS _$780_
3)The Third Prize: 2.15 BAGS _$620_
4_ The Fourth Prize: 1.73 BAGS _$500_
5_ The Fifth Prize: 1.21 BAGS _$350_
6)The remaining 95 winners will share about a 10,040 BAGS equivalent - according to their net buying volume.
*Notice: the 6th to 100th place’s rewards are capped at 400 BAGS
gate.io APP

Gate.io APP 2.0

Gate.io APP 2.0
Langue et région
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