• Cambio de idioma y tipo de cambio
  • Configuración de preferencias
    Color de ascenso/caída
    Hora de inicio y finalización del cambio

Activity 1:Trade KALM to share $25,000 in rewards

The top 100 users based on trading volume will share over $25,000.
1st Place: 975 KALM(about $2,500)
2nd Place: 730 KALM(about $1,875)
3rd Place: 485 KALM(about $1,250)
The 4th-100th place:Will share the remaining 7540 KALM(about $19,375) based on trading volume.
*Note: The 4th-100th place bonuses are capped at 485 KALM

During the competition, participants need to purchase and hold at least 310 KALM.
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Aplicación Gate.io 2.0

Aplicación Gate.io 2.0
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