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Web3 Börse

Activity 1: $20,000 SLICE for users with Top Buy

From the top 100 traders by net buy volume, the users will be awarded the following SLICE rewards:
1)The First Prize: 2,030 SLICE (about 2,000 USDT )
2)The Second Prize: 1,630 SLICE (about 1,600 USDT )
3)The Third Prize: 1,320 SLICE (about 1,300 USDT)
4) The Fourth Prize: 910 SLICE (about 900 USDT )
5) The Fifth Prize: 710 SLICE (about 700 USDT )
6)The remaining 95 winners will share 13,710 SLICE (about 13,500 USDT) according to their net buying volume.

During the competition, participants need to buy at least 410 SLICE.
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