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Ankündigungen Did You Jump in a Pool Today? You're Invited to Claim $10,000 Time-Limited Rewards in LM Pool on Gate.io Now!
Did You Jump in a Pool Today? You're Invited to Claim $10,000 Time-Limited Rewards in LM Pool on Gate.io Now!
2022-08-24 09:52:21 UTC 22875 Lesen
We would like to thank our users for their great support of Gate.io liquidity mining products, which have been in great popularity since the launch. Now we are very excited to announce that Gate.io has launched a 7-day exclusive mining pool event to reward both new and regular users. All of you, newcomers and mining experts, can complete a test and time-limited tasks and share a $10,000 reward. Mega prizes are waiting for you. Join now!

10:00, August 24th - August 31st (UTC) (7 Days in Total)

Exclusive Mining Pool

Activity 1: $2,000 CUP for Newcomers: Jump in a Pool & Share the Prizes
In this activity, first-time users need to add liquidity to CUP/USDT pool and complete the test in the form. The single trading amount should be ≥ 100 USDT and be held for at least 48 hours. The top 100 eligible participants can split $2,000 worth of CUP.

How to participate:
Step 1: Complete the test in the form.
Step 2: Add liquidity to CUP/USDT pool (The single trading amount should be ≥ 100 USDT and be held for at least 48 hours)

Activity 2: Be a Mining Pro & Claim $6,000 Rewards
All users can join to split $6,000 rewards in this activity by completing the test in the form and adding liquidity to CUP/USDT pool as required in the following chart. Rewards are served on a first-come-first-served basis. Join now and be a mining pro!

How to participate:
Step 1: Complete the test in the form.
Step 2: Add liquidity to CUP/USDT pool as required in the above chart.

Activity 3: Complete Gleam Tasks & Easily Claim 2,000 in CUP
All users need to complete the Gleam tasks in this activity. A total of 200 lucky winners will be drawn to win $10 in CUP.
Participants will get corresponding scores after they complete each task. The more scores, the higher the winning rate!

Join now!

1. Only one entry per person will be permitted (KYC must have been completed). The Sub-Accounts and Master Account will be treated as the same account in the competition.
2. All participants need to complete the test in the form to get the chance to win rewards.
3. All participants in Activity 1 & 2 need to add liquidity to CUP/USDT pool to get the chance to win rewards.
4. Gate.io will disqualify participants from the event once they are found cheating in the event to preserve the interests of all participants and maintain fairness.
5. Rewards for this event will be distributed to the winners’ accounts within 14 working days after the event ends. Winners can check them in "My Finance - Billing Details''.
6. Risk Warning: Please be sure to note that the cryptocurrency market is volatile and losses may occur in different situations, so you are strongly recommended to understand all the related information and be vigilant in your investment actions.

Gate.io reserves all rights to the final interpretation of the activity.

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Gate.io Team
August 24,2022
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