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Ankündigungen Gate.io Will Donate $30,000 for Turkey Wildfires, we are recruiting volunteers for material procurement and delivery
Gate.io Will Donate $30,000 for Turkey Wildfires, we are recruiting volunteers for material procurement and delivery
2021-08-03 06:45:46 UTC 51072 Lesen

For many days over the past week, wildfires have been sweeping the southern coast of Turkey. The residents are devastated by the situation. Alongside lost lives, more than 1,000 people were evacuated; livestock, land and houses are expected to get burned.

Gate.io is going to contribute $30,000 through the GT Foundation, to donate to the affected area in Turkey. The donation will be used to support impacted communities. Gate.io is recruiting volunteers for material procurement and delivery, all costs for purchasing and delivering supplies will be compensated by Gate.io, and the volunteers have the responsibility to purchase and deliver supplies on behalf of Gate.io.

Gate.io is here to assist the Turkish community to get through this incredibly challenging time.

If you wish to participate as a volunteer or can provide any assistance, please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form here (For Turkish Users Only): https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/677

Transparency is the top priority. Supplies that are used to help people, will be announced on Gate.io official website, social media, and communities.

How to Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke

Stay for wildfire smoke. This smoke can hurt your eyes, irritate your respiratory , and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases. People in the path of wildfire smoke can take certain precautionary measures to protect their lungs from smoke pollution. Older people, children and individuals with heart or respiratory conditions, in particular, are advised to filter air, limit outside activities or otherwise temporarily leave the impacted area.

Some steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones:

· Check local air quality reports.

· Consult local visibility guides.

· Keep indoor air as clean as possible.

· In homes without air conditioning, keep doors and windows closed.

· Avoid activities that increase indoor pollution.

· Wash your nose out and gargle with clean water.

· Take a shower and wash your clothing after being outside.

· Follow the advice of your doctor or other healthcare providers.

· If you are pregnant, continue with your prenatal care.

· Wear a respirator mask if it helps you feel better, but choose carefully.

· Evacuate from the path of wildfires.

· Protect yourself when cleaning up after a fire.

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Gate.io Team

August 3, 2021

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