• اللغة وتبديل سعر الصرف
  • إعدادات التفضيلات
    لون الارتفاع / الهبوط
    وقت بداية ونهاية التغيير٪
Web3 تبادل

Party 1 1: New User Onboarding: Get a total of $55,000 in DOGE

For any new user who registers and finishes identity verification during this activity period, and completes two of the following missions the same day of singup, the user can get a reward of 333 DOGE(about $10. A total of 1,833,333 DOGE(about $55,000)will be evenly allocated on a daily basis. New users of each day will get a reward on a first -come, first-served basis.
اللغة والمنطقة
سعر الصرف
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