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إعلان Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock BRT To Earn 150% APR(Phase 1)

Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock BRT To Earn 150% APR(Phase 1)

2022-05-26 03:13:50 UTC 21180 قراءة
The BRT Lock-up & Earn #1 will launch at 8:00 UTC on May 29 at Gate.io 's“HODL& Earn”, with an estimated reward of 150% P.A.
The HODL Link: https://www.gate.io/hodl/1257

Join Gate.io HODL & Earn Telegram group: https://t.me/gateio_hodl_en

Rules of BRT Lock-up & Earn #1 (Term 14 days)
1. Start Position: 200 BRT
2. Maximum Position: 56,500 BRT
3. Start Time: 2022-05-29 8:00:00 UTC
* The principal and interest will be distributed when the lock-up period ends.

About BRT
BikeRush built around one of the world's most popular healthy sports, cycling, it is the first project to effectively implement a functional Ride&Earn concept. BikeRush integrates various health concepts such as fitness, green environmental protection, and play earning. With Game-Fi, BikeRush aims to drive tens of millions towards healthier lifestyles, fight climate change, encourage low-carbon travel and connect the fitness public to Web 3.0, while building a durable platform that fosters user-generated More Web 3.0 content.

Important notice:
Locking your asset for a certain term is required. Your asset and interest will not be available until the end of the lockup term. If there is any price fluctuation on the market, you are unable to unlock and trade immediately. And the interest received may not be sufficient to cover the loss caused by the price change. Please fully understand the risks.

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Gate.io Team
May 26,2022
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