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إعلان Gate.io’s Lending & Liquidity Mining Enjoys 7-Day Annualized Yield up to 124.07% Today

Gate.io’s Lending & Liquidity Mining Enjoys 7-Day Annualized Yield up to 124.07% Today

2022-02-22 03:03:54 UTC 34783 قراءة
Gate.io has now launched a new feature named Lending & Liquidity Mining(By pledging one asset to lend another or pledging an idle currency to lend a portion of another currency for increased leverage or other purposes of gain), which allows users to earn income by depositing tokens to provide liquidity. You can deposit or withdraw at any given time. At present, more pools are being added, so stay tuned.

The USDT had the highest remaining liquidity today at $18,283,304.96USDT; the LOOKS boasted the highest 7-Day Annualized Yield today at 124.07%, and the USDT stablecoin had the highest total lending volume at $4,195,801.58USDT.

Learn more at this link: https://www.gate.io/en/lending/liquidity

Gate.io has officially opened the " LM N Lending & Single-Asset Vault" Telegram chat group.
-Discuss with other users and grasp the latest information on liquidity mining and lending & single-asset vault. Click to join the LM N Lending & Single-Asset Vault Group.

How to Participate in Gate.io’s Lending & Liquidity Mining:

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Gate.io Team
February 21, 2022
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