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إعلان Gate.io Scheduled Futures Trading Engine Upgrade (Starts Dec 8, 14:00 UTC)
Gate.io Scheduled Futures Trading Engine Upgrade (Starts Dec 8, 14:00 UTC)
2021-12-04 06:08:19 UTC 79230 قراءة
Gate.io is going to upgrade and optimise the futures trading engine from 14:00 – 12:05 UTC on Dec 8. The upgrade will take about 5 minutes, and we expect no service interruption to occur during the process. After the upgrade, the private API endpoints (API that requires API key to use) for any futures will have a rate limit of 400/s; and the endpoint to place order will have a separate limit of 100/s. The rate limit is account based, where a sub account has the same limit as a main account. If you have several future trading pairs, you may use several sub-accounts to fully use the current rate limit.

If you are affected API users, please adjust your strategies beforehand.

Affected services include:
Private API endpoints of all futures trading markets
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