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إعلان Gate.io Supports 100xcoin(100X)to Altbase (ALTB)Token Upgrade
Gate.io Supports 100xcoin(100X)to Altbase (ALTB)Token Upgrade
2021-10-28 05:48:25 UTC 143630 قراءة
At the request of the 100xcoin team, 100X coin trading was disabled and the 100X token will be migrated to Altbase (ALTB) at the ratio 1,000,000 100X =1 ALTB for all users. 100X contract has paused and no deposits or withdrawals are allowed. Gate.io will swap 100x for ALTB for all users.

The swap ratio:1,000,000 100X =1 ALTB
The Altbase ALTB
token address: 0x9B3a01F8b4aBD2E2a74597B21b7C269ABf4E9f41
Learn more:https://t.me/Eloannouncements/1534
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