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إعلان Gate.io Released HipoSwap Protocol Whitepaper
Gate.io Released HipoSwap Protocol Whitepaper
2020-09-14 13:35:15 UTC 138722 قراءة
We are pleased to release our HipoSwap protocol whitepaper.

HipoSwap is a high potential AMM (Automated Market Maker) protocol for token exchange implemented using CPMM (Constant Product Market Maker). Besides the liquidity pool provided by CPMM, two additional maker pools are introduced in each X-Y trading pair, i.e, the X maker pool and the Y maker pool. These two maker pools not only provide a new channel of single-token exposure for both buyers and sellers to act as market makers, but also increase the market liquidity and significantly reduce price slippage for market takers.

HipoSwap Official Website: https://www.hipo.com

Whitepaper Chinese version: https://github.com/gateio/hiposwap-whitepaper/blob/master/HipoSwap_CN_v0.71.pdf
Whitepaper English version: https://github.com/gateio/hiposwap-whitepaper/blob/master/HipoSwap%20Protocol%20v0.71.pdf

Sept. 14, 2020
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