Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables computers to mimic human thought and action. It's regarded as a key catalyst for the latest wave of tech revolution and industry shift. In the realm of Web3, various initiatives have engaged with the AI sector, pioneering new approaches through decentralized frameworks.

文章 (68)

Creating True AI Agents and Autonomous Cryptocurrency Economy

Creating True AI Agents and Autonomous Cryptocurrency Economy

HyperAGI is a community-driven decentralized AI project aimed at creating true AI agents and fostering an autonomous cryptocurrency economy. It achieves this by integrating Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions, an innovative Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) consensus mechanism, and large language models (LLMs). The project is dedicated to realizing Unconditional Basic Agent Income (UBAI) and advancing a decentralized and equitable digital society through AI technology.
Jun 03, 2024
Analyzing AIOZ W3AI: What New Gameplay Will Emerge After the Narrative Shift to the "Dual-Layer Architecture" of Shared Computing Power and AI as a Service?

Analyzing AIOZ W3AI: What New Gameplay Will Emerge After the Narrative Shift to the "Dual-Layer Architecture" of Shared Computing Power and AI as a Service?

In the gradually intensifying AI race, what new gameplay can old projects offer to carve out a niche in a market where liquidity and attention are both scarce?
Jun 03, 2024
AI <> Crypto Projects That Aren't Complete Bullsh*t

AI <> Crypto Projects That Aren't Complete Bullsh*t

This article provides an in-depth analysis of projects at the intersection of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence, exploring which projects truly leverage AI and blockchain technology and which are just gimmicks. The article points out that most crypto projects do not require AI, and vice versa, and highlights the potential of decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePINs), data networks, and GPU networks in the development of AI. At the same time, the article proposes how to identify truly valuable "encryption x AI" projects and looks forward to the future development of decentralized AI.
Jun 02, 2024
Talus White Paper Explained: Decentralized AI Agent Center

Talus White Paper Explained: Decentralized AI Agent Center

Talus Network is an emerging AI project aimed at integrating AI with blockchain technology to create a decentralized AI agent hub. The project has secured a $3 million financing round led by Polychain Capital and has released a whitepaper to further elaborate on its scope of operations and token economics. Talus offers a high-throughput L1 blockchain to address issues of data privacy, security, and accessibility, facilitating transparent interactions within the AI ecosystem. The whitepaper summarizes Talus's key technological components and new features, including the Protochain Node, Sui Move, MoveVM, IBC protocol, mirror objects, and AI stack. The TAI token serves as the core of the ecosystem, performing critical functions such as transaction mediation, resource acquisition, network security, and governance. Talus's use cases span across user experience enhancement, DeFi, DAOs, Internet of Things (IoT), Gaming/SocialFi, as well as AI and data ecosystems.
Jun 02, 2024
Connecting Global GPU Resources to Revolutionize the Future of Machine Learning

Connecting Global GPU Resources to Revolutionize the Future of Machine Learning, leveraging Solana, Render, Ray, and Filecoin, is a distributed GPU system designed to harness decentralized GPU resources to tackle AI and machine learning computational challenges.
Jun 02, 2024
Inside the Mind Network

Inside the Mind Network

Delve into Mind Network: When Fully Homomorphic Encryption Meets Restaking, Consensus Security for Crypto AI Projects Is Within Reach
Jun 01, 2024
CARV: A Common Modular Data Layer for Games and AI

CARV: A Common Modular Data Layer for Games and AI

CARV Protocol is a modular data layer used to facilitate data exchange and value distribution in the gaming and AI fields. Through the end-to-end data flow process and modular design, five modules are used to carry out processes such as data verification, identity authentication, storage, processing, model training and value distribution. Through the CARV protocol, the ownership, control and verification rights of data are returned to the users again, and the data can be tokenized to obtain revenue, ensuring that the above rights are in the hands of individuals, changing the long-term use and sharing of data.
May 30, 2024
Spectral, Designed to Build An Agent Economy on Web3

Spectral, Designed to Build An Agent Economy on Web3

Spectral is an on-chain agent machine intelligent network that combines AI and Web3, aiming to simplify the writing and deployment of smart contracts and enable non-technical users to participate in Web3 innovation. Through its product Syntax, Spectral lowers the barrier to innovation and provides decentralized AI services through the Nova inference network. The project has received approximately US$30 million in financing and is supported by giants in the Web2 and Web3 fields. Spectral’s ecological layout is extensive, including DeFi, DAO, security and other fields, demonstrating its leadership and development potential in the AI+Web3 field.
May 29, 2024
Mystiko: The New Star of Web3’s Zero-Knowledge Foundation Layer

Mystiko: The New Star of Web3’s Zero-Knowledge Foundation Layer

Mystiko.Network is a next-generation Web3 privacy solution that uses zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology to offer secure and efficient privacy protection for users. This article will cover the technical architecture, funding history, and other aspects of Mystiko.Network, and discuss how it is shaping the future of Web3 privacy. As Web3 rapidly evolves, privacy and security concerns are becoming more significant. Zero-knowledge proof (ZK) technology, which verifies information authenticity while maintaining privacy, is gaining importance. Although some blockchain applications currently use ZK technology, they still represent a small part of the Web3 ecosystem. Consequently, several projects like Aztec Network, Iron Fish, Manta Network, and Espresso Systems have emerged to provide a universal ZK foundation layer for Web3. Mystiko.Network is a promising new player in this field.
May 29, 2024
Web3 + AI: Artificial Intelligence for Community Sovereignty

Web3 + AI: Artificial Intelligence for Community Sovereignty

This article discusses how the decentralized features of Web3 can balance the centralization problem of AI, and proposes how to create new industrial value through Web3+AI in terms of computing power, data, platform, application, etc.
May 28, 2024
Introducing The Livepeer AI Subnet

Introducing The Livepeer AI Subnet

Livepeer AI subnet is an innovative project launched by Livepeer, aiming to build the first decentralized video processing network with AI computing capabilities. As a decentralized live video streaming network protocol, Livepeer has been committed to providing blockchain-based, cost-effective solutions to replace traditional centralized broadcasts since its launch in 2017. The Livepeer AI subnet provides low-cost, high-performance processing services and solves the structural problems of centralized AI computing by leveraging Livepeer's thousands of GPU open networks. This article details the concept of the Livepeer AI subnet, how it works, why it was established, and how to participate in it.
May 28, 2024
Is The Revolution Of Decentralized Cloud Computing Just Beginning?

Is The Revolution Of Decentralized Cloud Computing Just Beginning?

This article mainly explains the ecosystem framework and market situation of "Crypto x AI x DePIN" to help readers understand the value and potential of decentralized computing power.
May 27, 2024
io.Net Project Research Report

io.Net Project Research Report

This article provides a detailed introduction to, a decentralized GPU network aimed at providing computing power for machine learning. The project integrates computing resources from independent data centers and cryptocurrency miners worldwide, offering users low-cost, highly available GPU computing services.
May 27, 2024
What is ChainGPT? All You Need to Know About CGPT

What is ChainGPT? All You Need to Know About CGPT

ChainGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) model designed to assist individuals, businesses, and developers solve complex issues and provide accurate information about blockchain and cryptocurrency.
May 27, 2024
Enshrine AI into EVM

Enshrine AI into EVM

This article introduces how the Axonum platform integrates AI into Ethereum, enabling native AI model inference within smart contracts through OP Rollup and AI EVM. This has significant implications and potential for the development of decentralized ecosystems.
May 25, 2024