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Articles (221)

Become a Web3 Developer: Why and How

Become a Web3 Developer: Why and How

Web3 is the future. For Web2 developers exploring this field, whether in client-side, front-end, or back-end development, they can leverage their existing technological advantages. This exploration not only expands their professional horizons but also enhances the creativity in their work.
Top 5 Chart Patterns Every Crypto Trader Should Know

Top 5 Chart Patterns Every Crypto Trader Should Know

This article will introduce five chart patterns to help you identify and predict future market trends. They are the head and shoulders top, double top and double bottom, triangles (ascending, descending, and symmetrical), flags and pennants, and the cup and handle pattern.
Blockchain/ Inscription Fraud Schemes and How to Prevent Them

Blockchain/ Inscription Fraud Schemes and How to Prevent Them

This article explores blockchain and cryptocurrency concepts, their associated risks, and common fraud schemes. From the basics of blockchain technology to potential scams in cryptocurrency trading, it offers comprehensive insights and preventive measures to help readers protect their assets and interests.
The Bull Run - Exit Strategies

The Bull Run - Exit Strategies

The cryptocurrency market is highly speculative, and investor sentiment (such as fear and greed) often influences decision-making. In this context, establishing a risk management system independent of price fluctuations can provide investors with greater peace of mind, reducing the concern over short-term market volatility. Successful investors usually prioritize investment themes based on in-depth research and analysis rather than engaging in short-term speculation, enabling them to make more rational and sustainable investment decisions.
New Bear Market Prep: Essential Crypto Profit Strategies

New Bear Market Prep: Essential Crypto Profit Strategies

Compared to historical bear markets, the next one could also be extremely brutal. Many projects may become even more neglected, but this does not mean there are no opportunities. A bear market merely resets the market; it does not kill it.
How to Properly Interpret Market News? How to Sell Smartly During a Bull Market?

How to Properly Interpret Market News? How to Sell Smartly During a Bull Market?

This article examines the connection between market volatility and news during a bull market. It highlights that while over-focusing on market news can be misleading, completely ignoring it might cause you to miss vital information.
Common phishing methods and security prevention suggestions in Web3

Common phishing methods and security prevention suggestions in Web3

Web3 phishing attacks are a common threat to cryptocurrency users. Their purpose is to steal their crypto assets by inducing users to authorize, sign, or misoperate. In this article, SharkTeam systematically analyzes seven common Web3 phishing techniques, including Permit off-chain signature phishing, Permit2 off-chain signature phishing, eth_sign on-chain blind signature phishing, personal_sign/signTypedData on-chain signature phishing, authorization phishing, and address pollution phishing. As well as phishing methods that use CREATE2 to bypass security detection. The article also introduces the black industry chain of Drainer as a Service (DaaS), and provides five security suggestions to help users identify phishing scams and protect the security of their encrypted assets.
8 Ways to Check If It’s a Token Scam

8 Ways to Check If It’s a Token Scam

Whether in real life or within the blockchain industry, the risk of scams is ever-present. To verify the security of projects and the legitimacy of tokens, this article introduces eight methods for checking and identifying relatively safe projects. These methods also help traders effectively avoid scams.
Is the Bull Run Over? 7 Signs To Look Out For

Is the Bull Run Over? 7 Signs To Look Out For

This article lists seven signals to determine the end of a bull market, including a decline in trading volume and increased market volatility. It also discusses the definitions of bull and bear markets and their potential benefits, such as wealth creation during a bull market and buying opportunities during a bear market.
Two Ways to Create Wealth and Three Ideas for Finding Potential Projects

Two Ways to Create Wealth and Three Ideas for Finding Potential Projects

This article explores the psychological game and market behavior of investors in the cryptocurrency market, revealing how many people react to asset price increases or decreases due to market volatility and uncertainty, such as panic selling or taking profits too early.
Understanding Dutch Auctions

Understanding Dutch Auctions

This article explores the Dutch Auction, an auction method that has been popular since 1887, and its application and evolution in Web3. Originally used in traditional finance and bulk crop trading, Dutch Auctions are now employed in the asset issuance of Web3 projects. Projects like Solana and Yield Guild Games have adopted this method, leading to the development of advanced mechanisms such as liquidity bootstrapping pools and progressive Dutch auctions.
Introduction to four Types of Bitcoin Addresses

Introduction to four Types of Bitcoin Addresses

A Bitcoin address, consisting of alphanumeric characters, is an identifier used to send and receive assets on the Bitcoin network, essentially serving as a possible destination for Bitcoin payments. As the Bitcoin network evolves, Bitcoin addresses also undergo changes. This article explains the purpose of Bitcoin addresses, how to obtain them, and the different types of Bitcoin addresses—Legacy, P2SH, Segwit, and Taproot. Additionally, it will cover the technology behind each type and provide specific examples of their use cases.
Minted Platform: The Complete Process for Staking, Buying, and Selling NFTs

Minted Platform: The Complete Process for Staking, Buying, and Selling NFTs

This article provides a detailed introduction to the features of the Minted platform, including how to buy, sell, and stake NFTs, and how to effectively utilize its native token $MTD. This is a comprehensive guide for beginners to get started with Minted.
 Seven Essential Websites for SRC-20 Ecosystem

Seven Essential Websites for SRC-20 Ecosystem

The popularity of BRC-20 tokens is bringing the Bitcoin ecosystem back into the public. The SRC-20 standard and the STAMP protocol are also gaining interest. This article lists seven websites to help you understand the SRC-20 protocol in detail.
Strategies for Navigating a Crypto Bull Market

Strategies for Navigating a Crypto Bull Market

This article explores the best trading strategies to ride the cryptocurrency bull market, providing insights for beginners, intermediate traders, and experienced traders. By understanding these strategies, you can make the most of the cryptocurrency bull market.
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