A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) operates as an organizational structure rooted in blockchain technology. It employs smart contracts to facilitate automated operational decisions. In such organizations, the voting rights of each member are typically tied to the number of tokens they possess or their level of contribution, fostering equitable and collective intelligence-driven decision-making.

Articles (50)

What Are Algorithmic Stablecoins?

What Are Algorithmic Stablecoins?

Algorithmic stablecoins use complex mechanisms to make them keep the peg with the dollar, without the need for centralized tools.
Jan 20, 2023
What Is Dai? All You Need to Know About DAI

What Is Dai? All You Need to Know About DAI

DAI is a decentralized stablecoin built through a smart contract on the Ethereum Blockchain. It aims to maintain a stable 1: 1 value against the US dollar.
Jan 19, 2023
What Is a Wrapped Token?

What Is a Wrapped Token?

Wrapped tokens are tokens that are pegged against other cryptocurrencies and exist on other blockchains. They increase interoperability among blockchain networks.
Jan 17, 2023
What is an EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal)?

What is an EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal)?

In Ethereum, every new feature or improvement is proposed in the form of EIP, which will be implemented by all miners. This article will give you an in-depth understanding of what an EIP is and what role EIPs play in the development of Ethereum. The Ethereum ecosystem has attracted a large number of users. Although its high gas fees and congested network are often criticized, it has always been the preferred public chain for Dapps due to its safe, stable, and innovative system. Rome was not built in a day. Similarly, Ethereum has undergone various upgrades since its inception. These upgrade and improvement proposals need to reach an overall consensus in the Ethereum community in the form of EIP before they can be finally implemented.
Jan 17, 2023
What Is DeFi 2.0, And Why Does It Matter?

What Is DeFi 2.0, And Why Does It Matter?

DeFi 2.0 refers to the DeFi innovation phase, a subset of decentralized protocols built on breakthroughs like yield farming, lending, and other innovations.
Jan 17, 2023
What Are the Main Stablecoins?

What Are the Main Stablecoins?

Stablecoins have the same purpose, but different peg mechanisms
Jan 16, 2023
An Introduction to ERC-20 Tokens

An Introduction to ERC-20 Tokens

ERC-20 has emerged as the technical standard used for all smart contracts on the Ethereum Network.
Jan 12, 2023
What Are Smart Contracts?

What Are Smart Contracts?

Decentralized software applications that work using blockchain technology.
Jan 11, 2023
What Is a DAO?

What Is a DAO?

An organizational governance protocol without central authority
Jan 05, 2023
How to Choose Suitable Financial Products

How to Choose Suitable Financial Products

A quick run-through of the essential steps to determine the most suitable financial products for you
Jan 05, 2023
How to Trade NFTs?

How to Trade NFTs?

How to trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in a safe and convenient way
Dec 24, 2022
What is Lido?

What is Lido?

Lido is a protocol that provides staking services and allows users to stake cryptocurrencies to get rewards without a minimum threshold and lockups.
Dec 14, 2022
What is TRON?

What is TRON?

TRON is a public chain project created by Justin Sun in 2017. It ranks among the top based on its efficient network, scalability and extremely low transaction fees. When we talk about TRON, the first keywords related to it might be Justin Sun, TRC-20, and DPoS. But as a public chain with top market cap and extensive application scenarios, there is much more worth knowing, including its consensus mechanism, economic model, history, and its founder.
Dec 14, 2022
What is Loot?

What is Loot?

Loot, originally an NFT project adopting the Free Mint tactic, had triggered positive responses in the NFT market immediately after its launch. As the first project that proactively invites users to participate in the project construction and allows players to create their NFT minting stories freely, Loot's innovation has been recognized by many users. The first batch of Loot (for Adventurers) received a trading volume of 74.7K ETH on OpenSea, witnessing great success. After that, Lootverse began to open up a magnificent chapter in crypto space. The combination of NFT projects and blockchain games has always been highly talked about. One of the best practices for empowering NFT projects is to make game characters and props into NFTs and store them on chain. Loot is exactly such a project that combines NFTs and GameFi. What makes Loot stand out among many NFT and GameFi projects as a rising star? Follow us to enter the Lootverse and feel its charm directly.
Nov 21, 2022
What is USDC?

What is USDC?

As the bridge linking fiat currency and cryptocurrency, a growing number of stablecoins have been created, with many of them collapsing soon afterward. What about USDC, the leading stablecoin currently? How will it evolve in the future?
Nov 21, 2022
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