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公告 Gate. io 39th BTC SharkFin's Stayed Within the Ideal Range, Locked 6 Days Interest Rate up to 8.67% Announcement

Gate. io 39th BTC SharkFin's Stayed Within the Ideal Range, Locked 6 Days Interest Rate up to 8.67% Announcement

2021-10-29 18:21:00 UTC+8 40301 阅读
The “Gate.io Weekly BTC Sharkfin Product #39" launched on October 23rd, 4:00 am UTC. During the observation period, the price of BTC has always been in the range of [$57,500-$64,500], hitting the high-yield area. The settlement price of this Sharkfin product is $60,553.83. Congratulations to participating users who can get 8.67% annualized BTC revenue in 6 days, and the total interest benefit exceeded $43,867.

The interest has been paid to user accounts. Users can go to “Billing Details” to view the rewards they have received.

Gate.io Weekly BTC Sharkfin Product #39 Revenue Calculation:
The settlement price: $60,553.83
The settlement annualized = 3%+(60,553.83-57500)/(64500-57500)*(16%-3%)= 8.67%
Details: https://www.gate.io/article/23236

Every Saturday at 12 noon, Gate.io HODL& Earn will launch a new issue of its BTC SharkFin product. The 40th phase of SharkFin structured product will be launched this Saturday (30 October) at 4:00 AM UTC, with an estimated return of 3%-16% P.A. The total lock-up amount is capped at 300 BTC, with a lock-up period of 6 days.
Participate via https://www.gate.io/hodl/843

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