Caduceus Protocol Price CAD
About Caduceus Protocol (CAD)
Caduceus Protocol (CAD) Price Trends
Time period | Change amount | % Change |
1H | $0.00009261 | +0.026% |
24H | -$0.00197 | -0.55% |
7D | -$0.002511 | -0.7% |
30D | $0.03309 | +10.24% |
1Y | -$0.0453 | -11.28% |
Live Caduceus Protocol (CAD) Price Update
Caduceus Protocol price today is $0.3563 with a 24-hour trading volume of $2.11M, and as such Caduceus Protocol has a market cap of $356.30M, giving it a market dominance of 0.026%. The Caduceus Protocol price moved -0.55% in the last 24 hours.
Caduceus Protocol reached its highest price on 2024-08-15 when it was trading at its all-time high of $0.402, while its lowest price was recorded on 2024-08-15 when it was trading at its all-time low of $0.03. The current lowest price since the last cycle high was $0.03, and the highest price since the last cycle low was $0.402. The social sentiment of Caduceus Protocol is currently Neutral.
FAQs: Caduceus Protocol (CAD) Price
What determines the price movement of Caduceus Protocol (CAD)?
What is the highest price of Caduceus Protocol price in history?
What is the lowest price of Caduceus Protocol price in history?
What is the current market cap of Caduceus Protocol?
How many Caduceus Protocol are there in the market?
What is the maximum supply of Caduceus Protocol?
What is the fully diluted market cap (or FDV) of Caduceus Protocol?
What is the price prediction of Caduceus Protocol ?
Is Caduceus Protocol a good investment?
How to buy Caduceus Protocol?
Caduceus Protocol Tokenomics
Caduceus Protocol Data Analysis
Fund Flow Percentage
Net Main Inflow
Net Retail Inflow
Market Sentiment
Main Inflow | 0.00% | -- |
Main Outflow | 0.00% | -- |
Retail Inflow | 73.74% | $274.00K |
Retail Outflow | 26.26% | $97.54K |
Fund Flow Analysis
Small Orders
Net Inflow ($)
Medium Orders
Net Inflow ($)
Large Orders
Net Inflow ($)
Funds Flow Record
Transfer Time | Inflow ($) | Outflow ($) | Net Inflow ($) |
2024-09-15 | 274.00K | 97.54K | 176.45K |
2024-09-14 | 2.82M | 738.66K | 2.09M |
2024-09-13 | 2.93M | 1.08M | 1.84M |
2024-09-12 | 2.63M | 611.82K | 2.02M |
2024-09-11 | 3.29M | 1.42M | 1.87M |
2024-09-10 | 2.89M | 789.49K | 2.10M |
2024-09-09 | 2.66M | 1.09M | 1.56M |
2024-09-08 | 2.87M | 1.57M | 1.30M |
2024-09-07 | 2.79M | 1.51M | 1.27M |
2024-09-06 | 3.00M | 1.79M | 1.20M |
2024-09-05 | 3.18M | 1.14M | 2.03M |
2024-09-04 | 3.23M | 1.40M | 1.83M |
2024-09-03 | 4.46M | 2.44M | 2.02M |
2024-09-02 | 4.92M | 2.49M | 2.42M |
Holding Distribution
Top 5 Address | Total |
0x8da44d3de523d989772e6cf3cb9d81fde5a4b87c | 33.33% |
0x9afb4d865032b676641655ba106ccaf18146c79d | 25.00% |
0x2c7626621f37cb27dd72091f8aa69b23f4710021 | 16.67% |
0xf083cfe94df4158775e727952d5f8ab29dfcc38a | 8.33% |
0x34e4b646fc4a0f7f879881dae73411663b54d772 | 8.33% |
Others | 8.34% |
Caduceus Protocol Holdings Trends
Top 100 Address Holdings
Ranking | Holding Qty | Holding (%) | 1D/7D Change | Holding Address |
1 | 400.00M | 33.33% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x8d...b87c |
2 | 300.00M | 25.0% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x9a...c79d |
3 | 200.00M | 16.67% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x2c...0021 |
4 | 100.00M | 8.33% | 0.00/0.00 | 0xf0...c38a |
5 | 100.00M | 8.33% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x34...d772 |
6 | 87.04M | 7.25% | -200.00K/-628.00K | 0xac...149b |
7 | 5.92M | 0.49% | -67.38K/1.34M | 0xac...6cb4 |
8 | 1.14M | 0.1% | 0.00/-7.83K | 0x75...cb88 |
9 | 989.53K | 0.08% | -202.58K/683.03K | 0x0d...92fe |
10 | 631.54K | 0.05% | -3.88K/-16.41K | 0x05...6b69 |
11 | 275.89K | 0.02% | 0.00/68.70K | 0x29...715a |
12 | 255.54K | 0.02% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x3c...cf18 |
13 | 200.00K | 0.02% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x43...ff3d |
14 | 153.24K | 0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x7b...af07 |
15 | 126.68K | 0.01% | 0.00/35.90K | 0xc1...f16d |
16 | 112.79K | 0.01% | 19.18K/-91.15K | 0x68...ba9c |
17 | 109.93K | 0.01% | 29.98K/51.96K | 0x3b...8bfe |
18 | 107.23K | 0.01% | 0.00/32.31K | 0x7e...d54c |
19 | 98.54K | 0.01% | -106.62K/-877.50K | 0x19...51ee |
20 | 92.73K | 0.01% | 0.00/22.82K | 0xf0...7af8 |
21 | 65.00K | 0.01% | 0.00/23.19K | 0x52...a8b9 |
22 | 63.99K | 0.01% | 63.99K/63.99K | 0xc8...0ac4 |
23 | 61.80K | 0.01% | 21.30K/21.30K | 0x37...549d |
24 | 56.13K | <0.01% | 2.79K/15.47K | 0x96...ca1c |
25 | 46.15K | <0.01% | 4.40K/27.87K | 0x33...9fae |
26 | 42.74K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x8a...c7a2 |
27 | 39.76K | <0.01% | 3.41K/17.81K | 0x16...2fe8 |
28 | 38.20K | <0.01% | 1.19K/21.03K | 0xdd...eb18 |
29 | 37.55K | <0.01% | 4.25K/12.66K | 0x5f...59b1 |
30 | 37.16K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0xf2...f9df |
31 | 35.59K | <0.01% | 3.99K/8.88K | 0x83...22e7 |
32 | 33.80K | <0.01% | 850.00/7.38K | 0x03...453a |
33 | 33.78K | <0.01% | 0.00/14.99K | 0x13...29f4 |
34 | 32.99K | <0.01% | 1.83K/10.59K | 0x08...1b25 |
35 | 31.84K | <0.01% | 3.41K/8.57K | 0x86...b1db |
36 | 31.24K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x8d...7201 |
37 | 31.21K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0xd6...d3a2 |
38 | 30.08K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x88...994c |
39 | 29.18K | <0.01% | 29.18K/29.18K | 0x8f...37fc |
40 | 29.01K | <0.01% | 29.01K/29.01K | 0xdb...ecef |
41 | 28.99K | <0.01% | 28.99K/28.99K | 0xe8...efdd |
42 | 28.90K | <0.01% | 28.90K/28.90K | 0x4e...c41d |
43 | 28.72K | <0.01% | 28.72K/28.72K | 0xd9...c256 |
44 | 28.68K | <0.01% | 1.09K/17.77K | 0x34...2557 |
45 | 28.63K | <0.01% | 28.63K/28.63K | 0xa6...18d4 |
46 | 28.57K | <0.01% | 28.57K/28.57K | 0x3b...42ec |
47 | 28.17K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x30...139a |
48 | 27.92K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x82...2e87 |
49 | 27.78K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x89...3921 |
50 | 27.10K | <0.01% | 0.00/9.59K | 0x0f...a118 |
51 | 26.27K | <0.01% | 0.00/8.37K | 0x25...cb5b |
52 | 24.80K | <0.01% | 1.69K/24.80K | 0x79...666e |
53 | 24.65K | <0.01% | 7.22K/8.33K | 0xb9...2a1e |
54 | 24.02K | <0.01% | 5.25K/24.02K | 0x83...5de5 |
55 | 23.64K | <0.01% | 0.00/-41.58K | 0xb1...68a7 |
56 | 23.52K | <0.01% | 0.00/15.05K | 0x92...ae16 |
57 | 22.84K | <0.01% | 1.39K/14.37K | 0x52...a171 |
58 | 21.93K | <0.01% | 4.57K/21.93K | 0x28...0f33 |
59 | 21.74K | <0.01% | 0.00/1.55K | 0x5a...e302 |
60 | 20.41K | <0.01% | 0.00/9.35K | 0x1d...01b6 |
61 | 20.00K | <0.01% | 0.00/-44.80K | 0xe1...c588 |
62 | 19.29K | <0.01% | 0.00/460.00 | 0x79...4aff |
63 | 18.84K | <0.01% | 2.27K/7.83K | 0x0a...e924 |
64 | 17.35K | <0.01% | 1.82K/9.33K | 0x26...f619 |
65 | 17.25K | <0.01% | 0.00/331.00 | 0xb8...9068 |
66 | 17.18K | <0.01% | 0.00/2.89K | 0xc6...122b |
67 | 17.17K | <0.01% | 5.38K/17.17K | 0x7e...7dfd |
68 | 17.09K | <0.01% | 567.82/3.85K | 0x34...c7cf |
69 | 16.93K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x5a...bf73 |
70 | 16.80K | <0.01% | 0.00/4.00K | 0xc0...76f2 |
71 | 16.65K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0xd5...14b5 |
72 | 16.55K | <0.01% | 16.55K/16.55K | 0x5f...5b7f |
73 | 16.39K | <0.01% | 0.00/3.27K | 0xf8...223b |
74 | 16.26K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x67...a05b |
75 | 16.01K | <0.01% | 0.00/-68.70K | 0x8f...90b8 |
76 | 15.93K | <0.01% | 0.00/3.52K | 0x26...30b7 |
77 | 15.59K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0xe1...9a4d |
78 | 15.55K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x98...a1d3 |
79 | 15.48K | <0.01% | 1.75K/15.48K | 0x69...090e |
80 | 15.41K | <0.01% | 0.00/3.23K | 0x3a...37b6 |
81 | 14.34K | <0.01% | 14.34K/14.34K | 0x11...cba2 |
82 | 14.32K | <0.01% | 3.13K/-38.70K | 0x34...44de |
83 | 13.87K | <0.01% | 1.39K/6.07K | 0xa9...b085 |
84 | 13.65K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x39...b2b6 |
85 | 13.57K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x3e...f6ac |
86 | 13.37K | <0.01% | 4.05K/-7.23K | 0x31...1735 |
87 | 13.31K | <0.01% | 0.00/4.80K | 0x0f...0344 |
88 | 13.26K | <0.01% | 13.26K/2.04K | 0xe7...62ed |
89 | 12.82K | <0.01% | 1.22K/12.82K | 0x68...60ad |
90 | 12.70K | <0.01% | 0.00/12.70K | 0x7c...16cb |
91 | 12.31K | <0.01% | 0.00/12.31K | 0xcc...abcb |
92 | 12.30K | <0.01% | 0.00/12.30K | 0x6e...5887 |
93 | 12.26K | <0.01% | 0.00/-32.62K | 0x6d...6fd1 |
94 | 12.13K | <0.01% | 2.08K/-20.83K | 0x3a...7ebd |
95 | 11.76K | <0.01% | 0.00/3.03K | 0x08...5a57 |
96 | 11.64K | <0.01% | 0.00/11.64K | 0xa7...0d8d |
97 | 11.58K | <0.01% | 0.00/11.58K | 0x50...f7aa |
98 | 11.36K | <0.01% | 0.00/0.00 | 0x12...06a4 |
99 | 11.15K | <0.01% | 0.00/11.15K | 0x8c...6f80 |
100 | 11.12K | <0.01% | 11.12K/11.12K | 0xf4...f47c |
Caduceus Protocol (CAD) News
Gate Charity Returned to Evergreen Model Academy to Make Donations to School Children for Educational Empowerment
Gate Charity, the global non-profit philanthropic organization of Gate Group, recently held a heartwarming return donation event at Evergreen Model Academy School in Udhampur India.
The "Next-Gen Financial Wave Trading Academy EP2" event by has successfully concluded in Taipei.
The second episode of Gate.io_s Next-Gen Financial Wave Trading Academy event successfully concluded in Taipei on July 28, 2023. We_d like to thank the attendees for their enthusiastic participation. Hosted a Successful "Next Generation Financial Wave - Trading Academy" Event in Taipei, Taiwan successfully hosted the "Next Generation Financial Wave - Trading Academy" on July 7, 2023, at the prestigious Goûter Space in Taipei, Taiwan. Celebrates a Decade of Innovation at India Meetup, Sparking Excitement for Web3, a leading global cryptocurrency exchange, is excited to announce the successful conclusion of the 10th Anniversary Meetup held in India. A Decade of Trust, Innovation, and Responsibility in the Cryptocurrency World
As the 10th anniversary of is celebrated, it_s an ideal time to take a step back and reflect on the journey of this cryptocurrency exchange sector titan.
Every Decade, Every Day, For Crypto.'s 10th Anniversary Celebration Officially Starts
Throughout an ever-evolving digital currency landscape filled with change and opportunity, has journeyed alongside you through ten transformative years.
Caduceus Protocol (CAD) Announcements Startup Free Offering:Caduceus Protocol (CAD) and Announcement of Free Distribution Rules (277,778 CAD free of charge) Completes Caduceus (CAD) Airdrop to Caduceus (OSCMP) Holders to Take Snapshots for Caduceus (OSCMP) Holders and Airdrop Caduceus (CAD) Will Initially List XCAD Network (XCAD) Startup:XCAD Network (XCAD) Initial Sale Result Startup Initial Offering-DAO SHO Project- XCAD Network (XCAD)
Date | Market Cap | Volume | Open | Close |
2024-09-15 | $356.60M | -- CAD | $0.3566 | N/A |
2024-09-14 | $356.60M | 3.57M CAD | $0.3566 | $0.3566 |
2024-09-13 | $358.60M | 5.62M CAD | $0.3586 | $0.3566 |
2024-09-12 | $353.00M | 3.65M CAD | $0.353 | $0.3586 |
2024-09-11 | $358.00M | 9.73M CAD | $0.358 | $0.353 |
2024-09-10 | $360.60M | 5.95M CAD | $0.3606 | $0.358 |
2024-09-09 | $359.40M | 6.22M CAD | $0.3594 | $0.3606 |
2024-09-08 | $361.00M | 5.51M CAD | $0.361 | $0.3594 |