Time period | Change amount | % Change |
1H | $-0.000009745 | -0.091% |
24H | $-0.00006892 | -0.64% |
7D | $-0.002989 | -21.84% |
30D | $-0.004219 | -28.28% |
1Y | $-0.01618 | -60.2% |
Reliability Score
Rank #1
# 4558
TOP 35%
Alaya price today is $0.0107 with a 24-hour trading volume of $133.87, and as such Alaya has a market cap of $74.54 K, giving it a market dominance of 0.000041%. The Alaya price moved -0.64% in the last 24 hours.
Alaya reached its highest price on 2021-05-12 when it was trading at its all-time high of $6.35, while its lowest price was recorded on 2024-09-09 when it was trading at its all-time low of $0.00957. The current lowest price since the last cycle high was $0.00957, and the highest price since the last cycle low was $6.35. The social sentiment of Alaya is currently Neutral.
The current circulating supply of Alaya is 6.96 M ALAYA. In terms of market cap, Alaya is currently ranked 5557.
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The latest free token airdrop on Gate Web3 just finished, with over 365 self-custody participants qualifying, exceeding the sub_ion goal by 14,709%.
Token launchpads are an excellent way for builders to connect with early adopters, and being an early adopter of new Web3 projects can be exciting and lead to opportunities down the road.
Date | Market Cap | Volume | Open | Close |
2024-09-10 | $74.74K | 7.27K ALAYA | $0.01073 | N/A |
2024-09-09 | $70.47K | 14.38K ALAYA | $0.01011 | $0.01073 |
2024-09-08 | $71.7K | 33.49K ALAYA | $0.01029 | $0.01011 |
2024-09-07 | $71.48K | 25.29K ALAYA | $0.01026 | $0.01029 |
2024-09-06 | $74.95K | 163.71K ALAYA | $0.01076 | $0.01026 |
2024-09-05 | $84.3K | 413.56K ALAYA | $0.01210 | $0.01076 |
2024-09-04 | -- | 2.37K ALAYA | $0.01200 | $0.01210 |
2024-09-03 | $88.69K | 480.24 ALAYA | $0.01273 | $0.01200 |