A typical case of losing more on small trades than gaining on big trades. If you are greedy, you may have the confidence to hold onto the order and hope to recover from losses. However, the end result is often like this. Check the leaderboards to see for yourself how few traders are able to make big profits while minimizing losses. This is because of their overconfidence, human nature, and the excessive confidence gained from making a dozen successful trades. Eventually, the market will teach them a final lesson, and they will silently leave the crypto world. In fact, this applies to all financial derivatives, as they exploit the gambling mentality of people. Whatever you earn, the market will take back twice as much. I always emphasize to my friends to rise steadily. Don't always think that earning money too slowly is a problem. If you can't control the situation, the end result will be the same. The future is not unpredictable; it is inevitable. Either you get liquidated or you get forced to close your positions!!! Wake up, my friends. Not everyone is qualified to share the cake in this market. If they were, would we need so many instructors and investment advisors? Think about it carefully.
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